1:1 Clinical Nutrition
Free 20 Minute Assessment.
Not sure if I’m the right fit?
I offer free 20 minutes phone calls to chat.
This allows us to see if we are the right fit.
Please note:
No treatment advice can be given in this phone call.
Initial Consultation 60 – 90 Minutes
Includes a full consultation including the complaint/disease and includes additional questions around all body systems. This allows me to gain a full picture on what is going on for you, and what is the best individualised treatment protocol.
This includes a review of any blood work and other testing already completed – Time permitted.
I will have the necessary information to create your detailed and individualized treatment plan for us to discuss in your first follow up session.
Ideally no more then 1 week later.
Cost: $150.
Return Consultation 30-45 Minutes
The first follow up session involves an in-depth treatment plan discussion.
We work together to identify any possible barriers and create strategies to over come these.
From the second session we start the monitoring of the treatment plan.
If you are a weight loss client this involves tracking of measurements for example. This will be detailed to your goals.
This includes an in depth follow up of all aspects of concern. Review of the treatment plan- modifications where necessary. Regular reviews allow me to identify your challenges and barriers and work with you to create a plan, including goals and rewards, to allow you to get back to your optimal health! The road to good health is never straight forward, however with these reviews it can still be achieved and celebrated. This will include behind the scenes work to continue developing your treatment protocol and allow for analysing of more recent test results.
Cost: $80
I also offer a wide range of testing options.
These include:
- Food Allergen Testing
- Iron Levels
- Comprehensive Thyroid
- Hair Tissue Mineral Anaylsis
- Copper/Zinc Levels & Ratio
- Stool/Microbiome Testing
- Well Man Check
- Well Woman Check
- myDNA Comprehensive Health Report
- SIBO Check (Glucose + Lactulose)
- GUT Inflammation Check
- Diabetes (HbA1c) Check
- Coeliacs Check
- Fertility Testing
- MTHFR Check
If you are interested in getting real answers for your symptoms, you have landed in the right place.
Please contact me for booking in and progressing in getting testing completed.